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CMIP5: psl - Sea Level Pressure




Koshiro, Tsuyoshi, Kawai, Hideaki, et al.
Estimated cloud-top entrainment index explains positive low-cloud-cover feedback
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Goyal, Rishav, Sen Gupta, Alex, et al.
Historical and Projected Changes in the Southern Hemisphere Surface Westerlies
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Szuwalski, Cody, Cheng, Wei, et al.
Climate change and the future productivity and distribution of crab in the Bering Sea
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Priestley, Matthew D. K., Ackerley, Duncan, et al.
An Overview of the Extratropical Storm Tracks in CMIP6 Historical Simulations
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Cannon, Alex J
Reductions in daily continental-scale atmospheric circulation biases between generations of global climate models: CMIP5 to CMIP6
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Jiwoo Lee, Kenneth R. Sperber, et al.
Quantifying the agreement between observed and simulated extratropical modes of interannual variability
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Koshiro, Tsuyoshi, Shiotani, Masato, et al.
Evaluation of Relationships between Subtropical Marine Low Stratiform Cloudiness and Estimated Inversion Strength in CMIP5 Models Using the Satellite Simulator Package COSP
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Esteban Abellán, Shayne McGregor, et al.
Analysis of the southward wind shift of ENSO in CMIP5 models
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Zazulie, N, Rusticucci, M, et al.
Regional climate of the subtropical central Andes using high-resolution CMIP5 models—part I: past performance (1980–2005)
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Perez J., Menendez M., et al.
Statistical multi-model climate projections of surface ocean waves in Europe
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Economou T., Stephenson D. B., et al.
Serial clustering of extratropical cyclones in a multi-model ensemble of historical and future simulations
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Tabari H., Teferi Taye M., et al.
Water availability change in central Belgium for the late 21st century
(Citation) (More Info) (Abstract) (BibTex)

Paek H., Yu J., et al.
A Source of AGCM Bias in Simulating the Western Pacific Subtropical High: Different Sensitivities to the Two Types of ENSO
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Wang X. L., Feng Y., et al.
Climate change signal and uncertainty in CMIP5-based projections of global ocean surface wave heights
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Nishii K., Nakamura H., et al.
Arctic summer storm track in CMIP3/5 climate models
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Agosta C., Fettweis X., et al.
Evaluation of the CMIP5 models in the aim of regional modelling of the Antarctic surface mass balance
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Chang E. K., Zheng C., et al.
Significant Modulation of Variability and Projected Change in California Winter Precipitation by Extratropical Cyclone Acitivity
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Reyers M., Moemken J., et al.
Future changes of wind energy potentials over Europe in a large CMIP5 multi-model ensemble
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Ylhäisi J. S., Räisänen J., et al.
How does model development affect climate projections?
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Jones R. G., Rowell D. P., et al.
Sub-selecting CMIP5 GCMs for downscaling over multiple regions
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Caron L., Hermanson L., et al.
Multiannual forecasts of Atlantic U.S. tropical cyclone wind damage potential
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Praveen V., Sandeep S., et al.
On the relationship between mean monsoon precipitation and low pressure systems in climate model simulations
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Gong H., Wang L., et al.
Diverse Influences of ENSO on the East Asian%u2013Western Pacific Winter Climate Tied to Different ENSO Properties in CMIP5 Models
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Qu X., Hall A., et al.
The strength of the tropical inversion and its response to climate change in 18 CMIP5 models
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Belleflamme A., Fettweis X., et al.
Do global warming-induced circulation pattern changes affect temperature and precipitation over Europe during summer?
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Dowdy A. J., Grose M. R., et al.
Rainfall in Australia%u2019s eastern seaboard: a review of confidence in projections based on observations and physical processes
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Boisier J., Rondanelli R., et al.
Anthropogenic and natural contributions to the Southeast Pacific precipitation decline and recent megadrought in central Chile
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Boisier J., Ciais P., et al.
Projected strengthening of Amazonian dry season by constrained climate model simulations
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Rykaczewski R. R., Dunne J. P., et al.
Poleward displacement of coastal upwelling-favorable winds in the ocean's eastern boundary currents through the 21st century
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Magi B. I.
Global Lightning Paramterization from CMIP5 Climate Model Output
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Van den Hurk B. J., Van Oldenborgh G. J., et al.
Drivers of mean climate change around the Netherlands derived from CMIP5
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Cattiaux J., Douville H., et al.
Projected increase in diurnal and inter-diurnal variations of European summer temperatures
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Bathols J., Heady C., et al.
What influences the skill of climate models over the continents?
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Guemas V., Garcia-Serrano J., et al.
Prospects for decadal climate prediction in the Mediterranean region.
(Citation) (More Info) (Abstract) (BibTex)

Wjcik R.
Reliability of the CMIP5 GCM simulations in reproducing atmospheric circulation over Europe and the North Atlantic: a statistical downscaling perspective
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Gong H., Wang L., et al.
The climatology and interannual variability of the East Asian winter monsoon in CMIP5 models
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Sherwood S. C., Bony S., et al.
Spread in model climate sensitivity traced to atmospheric convective mixing
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Kim S., Cai W., et al.
ENSO Stability in Coupled Climate Models and its Association with Mean State
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Lima N. E., Lima-Ribeiro M. S., et al.
Phylogeography and ecological niche modelling, coupled with the fossil pollen record, unravel the demographic history of a Neotropical swamp palm through the Quaternary
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Skinner C. B., Diffenbaugh N. S.
Projected changes in African easterly wave intensity and track in response to greenhouse forcing
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Gao Y., Leung L., et al.
Geophysical Research Letters
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Li Y., Leung L., et al.
Interdecadal Connection Between Arctic Temperature and Summer Precipitation Over the Yangtze River Valley in the CMIP5 Historical Simulations
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Xu K., Su J., et al.
The natural oscillation of two types of ENSO events based on analyses of CMIP5 model control runs
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Hong L., Lin H., et al.
A Southern Hemisphere booster of super El Nino
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Feng X., Tsimplis M. N., et al.
Changes in significant and maximum wave heights in the Norwegian Sea
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Kruschke T., Rust H. W., et al.
Evaluating decadal predictions of northern hemispheric cyclone frequencies
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Vavrus S.
Extreme Arctic cyclones in CMIP5 historical simulations
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Sigmond M.
The Antarctic sea ice response to the ozone hole in climate models
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Wuebbles D., co-authors a.
CMIP5 climate model analyses: Climate extremes in the United States
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Bodas-Salcedo A., Williams K. D., et al.
Origins of the solar radiation biases over the Southern Ocean in CFMIP2 models
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Maloney E. D., Camargo S. J., et al.
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments: Part III: Assessment of 21st century projections.
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Wang X. L., Feng Y., et al.
Changes in global ocean wave heights as projected using multimodel CMIP5 simulations
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Martin E. R., Thorncroft C., et al.
The Multidecadal Atlantic SST%u2014Sahel Rainfall Teleconnection in CMIP5 Simulations
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Murakami H., Sugi M., et al.
Future changes in tropical cyclone activity in the North Indian Ocean projected by high-resolution MRI-AGCMs.
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Murakami H., Hsu P., et al.
Influence of model biases on projected future changes in tropical cyclone frequency of occurrence.
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Sandeep S., Ajayamohan R.
Poleward shift in Indian summer monsoon low level jetstream under global warming
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Sandeep S., Stordal F., et al.
Pacific Walker Circulation variability in coupled and uncoupled climate models
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Manzini E., Karpechko A. Y., et al.
Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere-troposphere coupling
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Sandeep S., Ajayamohan R.
Origin of cold bias over the Arabian Sea in Climate Models
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Ott I., Romberg K., et al.
Teleconnections of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a CMIP5 model ensemble
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Laine A., Nakamura H., et al.
A diagnostic study of future evaporation changes projected in CMIP5 climate models
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Schoof J. T., Pryor S. C.
Assessing the fidelity of AOGCM-simulated relationships between large-scale modes of climate variability and wind speeds
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Saha A., Ghosh S., et al.
Failure of CMIP5 climate models in simulating post-1950 decreasing trend of Indian monsoon
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Shashikanth K.
Comparing statistically downscaled simulations of Indian monsoon at different spatial resolutions
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Wu Q., Zhang J., et al.
Interannual Variability and Long-Term Changes of Atmospheric Circulation over the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
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Torres-Alavez A., Cavazos T., et al.
Land-sea thermal contrast and intensity of the North American monsoon under climate change conditions.
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Murakami H., Wang B., et al.
Projected increase in tropical cyclones near Hawaii.
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Ishikawa H., Oku Y., et al.
Estimation of a possible maximum flood event in the Tone River basin, Japan caused by a tropical cyclone
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Murakami H., Li T., et al.
Changes to environmental parameters that control tropical cyclone genesis under global warming.
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Rathmann N. M., Yang S., et al.
Tropical cyclones in enhanced resolution CMIP5 experiments
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Zappa G., Shaffrey L. C., et al.
The ability of CMIP5 models to simulate North Atlantic extratropical cyclones
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Jiang D., Lang X., et al.
Mid-Holocene East Asian summer monsoon strengthening: Insights from Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) simulations
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Weller E., Cai W.
Asymmetry in the IOD and ENSO Teleconnection in a CMIP5 Model Ensemble and Its Relevance to Regional Rainfall
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Seo K., Ok J., et al.
Assessing future changes in the East Asian summer monsoon using CMIP5 coupled models
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Perez J., Menendez M., et al.
Evaluating the performance of CMIP3 and CMIP5 global climate models over the north-east Atlantic region
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Cagnazzo C., Manzini E., et al.
Role of stratospheric dynamics in the ozone%u2013carbon connection in the Southern Hemisphere
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Koenigk T., Brodeau L., et al.
Arctic climate change in 21st century CMIP5 simulations with EC-Earth
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Williams K. D., Bodas-Salcedo A., et al.
The Transpose-AMIP II experiment and its application to the understanding of Southern Ocean cloud biases in climate models
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Ma H., Xie S., et al.
On the correspondence between mean forecast errors and climate errors in CMIP5 models
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Li L., Lin P.
The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model: Grid-point Version 2: FGOALS-g2
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Hosking J., Orr A., et al.
The influence of the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas Low on the climate of West Antarctica and its representation in coupled climate model simulations
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Harvey B., Shaffrey L., et al.
Equator-to-pole temperature differences and the extra-tropical storm track responses of the CMIP5 climate models
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Jiang D., Tian Z., et al.
Mid-Holocene net precipitation changes over China: Model%u2013data comparison
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Jiang D., Tian Z.
East Asian monsoon change for the 21st century: Results of CMIP3 and CMIP5 models
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Tian Z., Jiang D.
Mid-Holocene ocean and vegetation feedbacks over East Asia
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Purich A., Cowan T., et al.
Autumn Precipitation Trends over Southern Hemisphere Midlatitudes as Simulated by CMIP5 Models
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Barnes E. A., Polvani L. M., et al.
Model projections of atmospheric steering of Sandy-like superstorms
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Gillett N. P., Fyfe J. C., et al.
Attribution of observed sea level pressure trends to greenhouse gas, aerosol, and ozone changes
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Gillett N. P., Fyfe J. C.
Annular mode changes in the CMIP5 simulations
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Chang E. K.
CMIP5 projection of significant reduction in extratropical cyclone activity over North America
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Collevatti R. G., Telles M. P., et al.
Demographic history and the low genetic diversity in Dipteryx alata (Fabaceae) from Brazilian Neotropical savannas
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Shashikanth K.
Do CMIP5 Simulations of Indian summer Monsoon Rainfall Differ from those of CMIP3?
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Lohmann G., Pfeiffer M., et al.
A model-data comparison of the Holocene global sea surface temperature evolution
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Diffenbaugh N. S., Trapp R. J., et al.
Robust increases in severe thunderstorm environments in response to greenhouse forcing
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Brands S., Herrera S., et al.
How well do CMIP5 Earth System Models simulate present climate conditions in Europe and Africa? A performance comparison for the downscaling community
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Cattiaux J., Cassou C.
Opposite CMIP3/5 trends in the Northern Annular Mode explained by combined local sea-ice and remote tropical influences
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Stevenson S. L.
Significant Changes to ENSO Strength and Impacts in the Twenty-First Century: Results from CMIP5
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Zhang H., Jeffrey S. J., et al.
Dynamical downscaling of CSIRO Mk3.6 CMIP5 simulations using the CSIRO Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model
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Mizuta R.
Intensification of extratropical cyclones associated with the polar jet change in the CMIP5 global warming projections
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Hardiman S. C., Butchart N., et al.
The effect of a well resolved stratosphere on surface climate: Differences between CMIP5 simulations with high and low top versions of the Met Office climate model
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