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all: CMIP




Uribe, Alejandro, Bender, Frida A.-M., et al.
Constraining net long-term climate feedback from satellite-observed internal variability possible by the mid-2030s
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Harris, Bethan L., Quaife, Tristan, et al.
Contrasting responses of vegetation productivity to intraseasonal rainfall in Earth system models
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Hayashi, Michiya, Shiogama, Hideo, et al.
Scenario Dependence of Future Precipitation Changes across Japan in CMIP6
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Herman, Rebecca Jean, Runge, Jakob
Spatiotemporal Causal Effect Estimation
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Lavoie, Juliette, Bourgault, Pascal, et al.
An ensemble of bias-adjusted CMIP6 climate simulations based on a high-resolution North American reanalysis
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Ombadi, Mohammed, Risser, Mark D., et al.
A warming-induced reduction in snow fraction amplifies rainfall extremes
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Roemer, Florian E., Buehler, Stefan A., et al.
Direct observation of Earth’s spectral long-wave feedback parameter
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von der Gathen, Peter, Kivi, Rigel, et al.
Reply to: No evidence of worsening Arctic springtime ozone losses over the 21st century
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Hayashi, Michiya, Shiogama H., et al.
The contribution of climate change to increasing extreme ocean warming around Japan
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Holtanová, Eva, Belda, Michal, et al.
Projected changes in mean annual cycle of temperature and precipitation over the Czech Republic: Comparison of CMIP5 and CMIP6
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Chan, Pak Wah, Catto, Jennifer L., et al.
Heatwave–blocking relation change likely dominates over decrease in blocking frequency under global warming
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Mackallah, C., Chamberlain, M. A., et al.
ACCESS datasets for CMIP6: methodology and idealised experiments
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Rashid, Harun A., Sullivan, Arnold, et al.
Evaluation of climate variability and change in ACCESS historical simulations for CMIP6
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Koshiro, Tsuyoshi, Kawai, Hideaki, et al.
Estimated cloud-top entrainment index explains positive low-cloud-cover feedback
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Kurniadi, Ari, Weller, Evan, et al.
Evaluation of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 model‐simulated extreme precipitation over Indonesia
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Hayashi, Michiya, Shiogama, Hideo
Assessment of CMIP6-based future climate projections selected for impact studies in Japan
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Hua, Wenjian, Dai, Aiguo, et al.
Reconciling Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in Indian Ocean Decadal Variability Since 1920
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Hua, Wenjian, Dai, Aiguo, et al.
Little Influence of Asian Anthropogenic Aerosols on Summer Temperature in Central East Asia Since 1960
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Kadkhodazadeh, Mojtaba, Valikhan Anaraki, Mahdi, et al.
A New Methodology for Reference Evapotranspiration Prediction and Uncertainty Analysis under Climate Change Conditions Based on Machine Learning, Multi Criteria Decision Making and Monte Carlo Methods
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Kajtar, Jules B., Hernaman, Vanessa, et al.
Tropical western and central Pacific marine heatwave data calculated from gridded sea surface temperature observations and CMIP6
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Holbrook, Neil J., Hernaman, Vanessa, et al.
Impacts of marine heatwaves on tropical western and central Pacific Island nations and their communities
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Rajendran, Kavirajan, Surendran, Sajani, et al.
Simulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall, interannual variability and teleconnections: Evaluation of CMIP6 models
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Lalande, Mickaël, Ménégoz, Martin, et al.
Climate change in the High Mountain Asia in CMIP6
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Kajtar, Jules B.
Tasmanian region daily sea surface temperature from observations and CMIP6 models
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Lyu, Kewei, Zhang, Xuebin, et al.
Projected ocean warming constrained by the ocean observational record
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Lee, Jiwoo, Planton, Yann Y., et al.
Robust Evaluation of ENSO in Climate Models: How Many Ensemble Members Are Needed?
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Martin Mohrmann, Céline Heuzé, et al.
Southern Ocean polynyas in CMIP6 models
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Palmer, T E, Booth, B B B, et al.
How does the CMIP6 ensemble change the picture for European climate projections?
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Balaguru, Karthik, Van Roekel, Luke P., et al.
Subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST Bias in Earth System Models
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Anstey, James A., Banyard, Timothy P., et al.
Prospect of Increased Disruption to the QBO in a Changing Climate
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Alaminie, Addis A., Tilahun, Seifu A., et al.
Evaluation of Past and Future Climate Trends under CMIP6 Scenarios for the UBNB (Abay), Ethiopia
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Ahmed, Fiaz, Neelin, J. David
A Process‐Oriented Diagnostic to Assess Precipitation‐Thermodynamic Relations and Application to CMIP6 Models
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Hua, Wenjian, Qin, Minhua, et al.
Reconciling Human and Natural Drivers of the Tripole Pattern of Multidecadal Summer Temperature Variations Over Eurasia
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Rashid, Harun A.
Diverse Responses of Global‐Mean Surface Temperature to External Forcings and Internal Climate Variability in Observations and CMIP6 Models
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Ziehn, T, Wang, Y-P, et al.
Land carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks are significantly reduced by nitrogen and phosphorus limitation
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von der Gathen, Peter, Kivi, Rigel, et al.
Climate change favours large seasonal loss of Arctic ozone
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Crawford, Alex, Stroeve, Julienne, et al.
Arctic open-water periods are projected to lengthen dramatically by 2100
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Shiogama, Hideo, Fujimori, Shinichiro, et al.
How many hot days and heavy precipitation days will grandchildren experience that break the records set in their grandparents’ lives?
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Li, Jianduo, Miao, Chiyuan, et al.
Evaluation of CMIP6 Global Climate Models for Simulating Land Surface Energy and Water Fluxes During 1979–2014
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Kajtar, Jules B., Santoso, Agus, et al.
CMIP5 Intermodel Relationships in the Baseline Southern Ocean Climate System and With Future Projections
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Purich, Ariaan, England, Matthew H.
Historical and Future Projected Warming of Antarctic Shelf Bottom Water in CMIP6 Models
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Lee, Jiwoo, Sperber, Kenneth R., et al.
Benchmarking performance changes in the simulation of extratropical modes of variability across CMIP generations
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Braconnot, Pascale, Albani, Samuel, et al.
Impact of dust in PMIP-CMIP6 mid-Holocene simulations with the IPSL model
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Kageyama, Masa, Harrison, Sandy P., et al.
The PMIP4 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3 simulations
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Beverley, Jonathan D., Collins, Matthew, et al.
Future Changes to El Niño Teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America
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Watts, Matthew, Maslowski, Wieslaw, et al.
A spatial evaluation of Arctic sea ice and regional limitations in CMIP6 historical simulations
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Mignot, Juliette, Hourdin, Frédéric, et al.
The Tuning Strategy of IPSL‐CM6A‐LR
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Koch, Alexander, Hubau, Wannes, et al.
Earth System Models Are Not Capturing Present‐Day Tropical Forest Carbon Dynamics
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Sohail, Taimoor, Irving, Damien B., et al.
Fifty Year Trends in Global Ocean Heat Content Traced to Surface Heat Fluxes in the Sub‐Polar Ocean
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Melnikova, I., Boucher, O., et al.
Carbon Cycle Response to Temperature Overshoot Beyond 2°C: An Analysis of CMIP6 Models
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Revell, L. E., Wotherspoon, N. E., et al.
Atmosphere‐Ocean Feedback From Wind‐Driven Sea Spray Aerosol Production
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Keeble, James, Hassler, Birgit, et al.
Evaluating stratospheric ozone and water vapour changes in CMIP6 models from 1850 to 2100
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Watters, Daniel, Battaglia, Alessandro, et al.
The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation According to Multiple Decades of Global Satellite Observations, Three CMIP6 Models, and the ECMWF Reanalysis
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Zanowski, Hannah, Jahn, Alexandra, et al.
Arctic Ocean freshwater in CMIP6 Ensembles: Declining Sea Ice, Increasing Ocean Storage and Export
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Pak, Gyundo, Noh, Yign, et al.
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Earth System Model and Its Simulation Characteristics
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Gillett, Nathan P., Kirchmeier-Young, Megan, et al.
Constraining human contributions to observed warming since the pre-industrial period
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Goyal, Rishav, Sen Gupta, Alex, et al.
Historical and Projected Changes in the Southern Hemisphere Surface Westerlies
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Keen, Ann, Blockley, Ed, et al.
An inter-comparison of the mass budget of the Arctic sea ice in CMIP6 models
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Nicholls, Zebedee, Lewis, Jared, et al.
Regionally aggregated, stitched and de‐drifted CMIP‐climate data, processed with netCDF‐SCM v2.0.0
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Borchert, Leonard F., Menary, Matthew B., et al.
Improved Decadal Predictions of North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre SST in CMIP6
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Sang, Yinghan, Ren, Hong-Li, et al.
Improvement of Soil Moisture Simulation in Eurasia by the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model from CMIP5 to CMIP6
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Sledd, Anne, L’Ecuyer, Tristan
Uncertainty in Forced and Natural Arctic Solar Absorption Variations in CMIP6 Models
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Zhang, Jie, Wu, Tongwen, et al.
BCC-ESM1 Model Datasets for the CMIP6 Aerosol Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP)
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Otto-Bliesner, Bette L., Brady, Esther C., et al.
Large-scale features of Last Interglacial climate: results from evaluating the <i>lig127k</i> simulations for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6)–Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4)
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Kageyama, Masa, Sime, Louise C., et al.
A multi-model CMIP6-PMIP4 study of Arctic sea ice at 127 ka: sea ice data compilation and model differences
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Hayashi, Michiya, Shiogama H., et al.
The northwestern Pacific warming record in August 2020 occurred under anthropogenic forcing
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Bock, Josué, Michou, Martine, et al.
Evaluation of ocean dimethylsulfide concentration and emission in CMIP6 models
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Ribes, Aurélien, Qasmi, Saïd, et al.
Making climate projections conditional on historical observations
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Kam, Jonghun, Min, Seung-Ki, et al.
CMIP6 Model-Based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on the Long Sustained Western Cape Drought over 2015–19
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Shiogama, Hideo, Ishizaki, Noriko N., et al.
Selecting CMIP6-Based Future Climate Scenarios for Impact and Adaptation Studies
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Ombadi, Mohammed, Nguyen, Phu, et al.
Retrospective Analysis and Bayesian Model Averaging of CMIP6 Precipitation in the Nile River Basin
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Halder, Subrota, Parekh, Anant, et al.
Assessment of CMIP6 models' skill for tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability
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van Noije, Twan, Bergman, Tommi, et al.
EC-Earth3-AerChem, a global climate model with interactive aerosolsand atmospheric chemistry participating in CMIP6
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McKenna, C. M., Maycock, A. C., et al.
Stringent mitigation substantially reduces risk of unprecedented near-term warming rates
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Xin, Xiaoge, Wu, Tongwen, et al.
Comparison of CMIP6 and CMIP5 simulations of precipitation in China and the East Asian summer monsoon
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Davini, Paolo, D’Andrea, Fabio
From CMIP3 to CMIP6: Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking Simulation in Present and Future Climate
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Qin, Minhua, Dai, Aiguo, et al.
Quantifying Contributions of Internal Variability and External Forcing to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Since 1870
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Mortier, Augustin, Gliß, Jonas, et al.
Evaluation of climate model aerosol trends with ground-based observations over the last 2 decades – an AeroCom and CMIP6 analysis
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Leung, L. Ruby, Bader, David C., et al.
An Introduction to the E3SM Special Collection: Goals, Science Drivers, Development, and Analysis
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Dunne, J. P., Horowitz, L. W., et al.
The GFDL Earth System Model Version 4.1 (GFDL‐ESM 4.1): Overall Coupled Model Description and Simulation Characteristics
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Bi, Daohua, Dix, Martin, et al.
Configuration and spin-up of ACCESS-CM2, the new generation Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator Coupled Model
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Brierley, Chris M., Zhao, Anni, et al.
Large-scale features and evaluation of the PMIP4-CMIP6 <i>midHolocene</i> simulations
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Madeleine, Jean‐Baptiste, Hourdin, Frédéric, et al.
Improved Representation of Clouds in the Atmospheric Component LMDZ6A of the IPSL‐CM6A Earth System Model
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Cheruy, Frédérique, Ducharne, Agnès, et al.
Improved Near‐Surface Continental Climate in IPSL‐CM6A‐LR by Combined Evolutions of Atmospheric and Land Surface Physics
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Horowitz, Larry W., Naik, Vaishali, et al.
The GFDL Global Atmospheric Chemistry‐Climate Model AM4.1: Model Description and Simulation Characteristics
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Dunne, J. P., Bociu, I., et al.
Simple Global Ocean Biogeochemistry With Light, Iron, Nutrients and Gas Version 2 (BLINGv2): Model Description and Simulation Characteristics in GFDL's CM4.0
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Stock, Charles A., Dunne, John P., et al.
Ocean Biogeochemistry in GFDL's Earth System Model 4.1 and Its Response to Increasing Atmospheric CO 2
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Brown, Josephine R., Brierley, Chris M., et al.
Comparison of past and future simulations of ENSO in CMIP5/PMIP3 and CMIP6/PMIP4 models
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Burke, Eleanor, Krinner G., et al.
Evaluating permafrost physics in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) models and their sensitivity to climate change
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Smith, Christopher J., Kramer, Ryan J., et al.
The HadGEM3-GA7.1 radiative kernel: the importance of a well-resolved stratosphere
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Bracegirdle, Thomas J., Krinner, Gerhard, et al.
Twenty first century changes in Antarctic and Southern Ocean surface climate in CMIP6
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Li, Lijuan, Yu, Yongqiang, et al.
The Flexible Global Ocean‐Atmosphere‐Land System Model Grid‐Point Version 3 (FGOALS‐g3): Description and Evaluation
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Robson, Jon, Aksenov, Yevgeny, et al.
The Evaluation of the North Atlantic Climate System in UKESM1 Historical Simulations for CMIP6
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Hayashi, Michiya, Jin, Fei-Fei, et al.
Dynamics for El Niño-La Niña asymmetry constrain equatorial-Pacific warming pattern
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Dunne, John P., Winton, Michael, et al.
Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150‐Year, and Longer Simulations
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Roussel, Marie-Laure, Lemonnier, Florentin, et al.
Brief communication: Evaluating Antarctic precipitation in ERA5 and CMIP6 against CloudSat observations
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Irving, Damien, Hobbs, Will, et al.
A Mass and Energy Conservation Analysis of Drift in the CMIP6 Ensemble
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Ziehn, Tilo, Chamberlain, Matthew A., et al.
The Australian Earth System Model: ACCESS-ESM1.5
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Séférian, Roland, Berthet, Sarah, et al.
Tracking Improvement in Simulated Marine Biogeochemistry Between CMIP5 and CMIP6
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Priestley, Matthew D. K., Ackerley, Duncan, et al.
An Overview of the Extratropical Storm Tracks in CMIP6 Historical Simulations
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