@article{Martin Mohrmann
  title = {Southern Ocean polynyas in CMIP6 models},
  author = { Martin Mohrmann and Céline Heuzé and Sebastiaan Swart },
  journal = {The Cryosphere},
  title = {A spatial evaluation of Arctic sea ice and regional limitations in CMIP6 historical simulations},
  author = { Watts, Matthew and Maslowski, Wieslaw and Lee, Younjoo J. and Kinney, Jaclyn Clement and Osinski, Robert },
  url = {https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/aop/JCLI-D-20-0491.1/JCLI-D-20-0491.1.xml},
  journal = {Journal of Climate},
  pages = {1-54},
@article{Melia N.
  title = {Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias corrected CMIP5 simulations},
  author = { Melia N. and Haines K. and Hawkins E. },
  url = {http://www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/9/3821/2015/},
  journal = {The Cryosphere Discussions},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {3821-3857},
@article{Hobbs W. R.
  title = {New Perspectives on Observed and Simulated Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Trends Using Optimal Fingerprinting Techniques},
  author = { Hobbs W. R. and Bindoff N. },
  journal = {Journal of Climate},
  volume = {28},
  pages = {1543-1560},
@article{Melia N.
  title = {Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias-corrected CMIP5 simulations },
  author = { Melia N. and Haines K. and Hawkins E. },
  url = {http://www.the-cryosphere.net/9/2237/2015/tc-9-2237-2015.html},
  journal = {The Cryosphere},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {2237-2251},
@article{Ding Y.
  title = {Ocean response to volcanic eruptions in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations},
  author = { Ding Y. and Carton J. A. and Chepurin G. A. and Stenchikov G. and Robock A. and Sentman L. T. },
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research},
  volume = { 119},
  pages = {5622-5637},
@article{Laine A.
  title = {A diagnostic study of future evaporation changes projected in CMIP5 climate models},
  author = { Laine A. and Nakamura H. and Kazuaki N. and Takafumi M. },
  url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00382-014-2087-7#page-1},
  journal = {Climate Dynamics},
  volume = {42},
  pages = {2745-2761},
@article{Maloney E. D.
  title = {North American climate in CMIP5 experiments: Part III: Assessment of 21st century projections. },
  author = { Maloney E. D. and Camargo S. J. and Chang E. and Colle B. and Fu R. and Geil K. and Hu Q. and Jiang X. and Johnson N. and Karnauskas K. B. and Kinter J. and Kirtman B. and Kumar S. and Langenbrunner B. and Lombardo K. and Long L. and Mariotti A. and Meyerson J. and Mo K. and Neelin J. D. and Pan Z. and Seager R. and Serra Y. and Seth A. and Sheffield J. and Stroeve J. and Thibeault J. and Xie S. and Wang C. and Wyman B. and Zhao M. },
  journal = {Journal of Climate},
  volume = {27},
  pages = {2230-2270},
@article{Stroeve J. C.
  title = {Using Combined Records of IceBridge and Satellite-Derived Thickness and Extent to Constrain Future Projections of Arctic Sea Ice},
  author = { Stroeve J. C. and Barrett A. and Schweiger A. and Serreze M. },
  url = {http://www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/8/2179/2014/tcd-8-2179-2014-discussion.html},
  journal = {The Cryosphere Discussions},
@article{Lima N. E.
  title = {Phylogeography and ecological niche modelling, coupled with the fossil pollen record, unravel the demographic history of a Neotropical swamp palm through the Quaternary},
  author = { Lima N. E. and Lima-Ribeiro M. S. and Tinoco C. F. and Terribile L. C. and Collevatti R. G. },
  journal = {Journal of Biogeography},
  volume = {41},
  pages = {673-686},
@article{Li Y.
  title = {Interdecadal Connection Between Arctic Temperature and Summer Precipitation Over the Yangtze River Valley in the CMIP5 Historical Simulations},
  author = { Li Y. and Leung L. and Xiao X. and Wei M. and Li Q. },
  url = {http://http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00776.1},
  journal = {Journal of Climate},
  volume = {26},
  pages = {7464-7488},
@article{Collevatti R. G.
  title = {Demographic history and the low genetic diversity in Dipteryx alata (Fabaceae) from Brazilian Neotropical savannas},
  author = { Collevatti R. G. and Telles M. P. and Nabout J. C. and Chaves L. J. and Soares T. N. },
  journal = {Other},
  pages = {1-9},
@article{Berger M.
  title = {The sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice to orbitally-induced insolation changes; a study of the mid-Holocene Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project 2 and 3 simulations},
  author = { Berger M. and Brandefelt J. and Nilsson J. },
  journal = {Climate of the Past},
@article{Koenigk T.
  title = {Arctic climate change in 21st century CMIP5 simulations with EC-Earth},
  author = { Koenigk T. and Brodeau L. and Graversen R. G. and Karlsson J. and Svensson G. and Tjernström M. and Willen U. and Wyser K. },
  journal = {Climate Dynamics},
  volume = {40},
  pages = {2719-2743},
@article{Koenigk T.
  title = {Ocean heat transport into the Arctic in the twentieth and twenty-first century in EC-Earth},
  author = { Koenigk T. },
  journal = {Climate Dynamics},
@article{Koenigk T.
  title = {Summer Sea Ice Albedo in the Arctic in CMIP5 models},
  author = { Koenigk T. and Devasthale A. },
  journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics},
@article{Close S. E.
  title = {Entrainment-driven modulation of Southern Ocean mixed layer properties and sea ice variability in CMIP5 models},
  author = { Close S. E. and Goosse H. },
  url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgrc.20226/abstract},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research},
  volume = {118},
  pages = {2811-2827},
@article{Lohmann G.
  title = {A model-data comparison of the Holocene global sea surface temperature evolution},
  author = { Lohmann G. and Pfeiffer M. and Laepple T. and Leduc G. and Kim J. },
  url = {http://www.clim-past.net/9/1807/2013/cp-9-1807-2013.html},
  journal = {Climate of the Past},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {1807-1839},
@article{Notz D.
  title = {Arctic sea-ice evolution as modeled by MPI-ESM},
  author = { Notz D. and Haumann F. A. and Haak H. and Jungclaus J. H. and Marotzke J. },
  journal = {Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems},
@article{Massonnet F.
  title = {Constraining projections of summer Arctic sea ice},
  author = { Massonnet F. and Fichefet T. and Goosse H. and Bitz C. M. and Philippon-Berthier G. and Holland M. M. and Barriat P. },
  url = {http://www.the-cryosphere.net/6/1383/2012/tc-6-1383-2012.html},
  journal = {The Cryosphere},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {1383-1394},
@article{Langehaug H. R.
  title = {Arctic sea ice decline and ice export in the CMIP5 historical simulations},
  author = { Langehaug H. R. and Geyer F. and Smedsrud L. H. and Gao Y. },
  journal = {Ocean Modelling},
@article{Bentsen M.
  title = {The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M. Part 1: Description and basic evaluation},
  author = { Bentsen M. and Bethke I. and Debernard J. B. and Iversen T. and Kirkevåg A. and Seland Ø. and Drange H. and Roelandt C. and Seierstad I. A. and Hoose C. and Kristjansson J. E. },
  journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},
@article{Iversen T.
  title = {The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M. Part 2: Climate Response and Scenario Projections},
  author = { Iversen T. and Bentsen M. and Bethke I. and Debernard J. B. and Kirkevåg A. and Seland Ø. and Drange H. and Kristjansson J. E. and Medhaug I. and Sand M. and Seierstad I. A. },
  journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},
@article{Laprise R.
  title = {Climate projections over CORDEX Africa domain using the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5)},
  author = { Laprise R. and Hernandez-Diaz L. and Tete K. and Sushama L. and Separovic L. and Martynov A. and Winger K. and Valin M. },
  journal = {Climate Dynamics},
@article{Jungclaus J. H.
  title = {Characteristics of the ocean simulations in MPIOM, the ocean component of the MPI-Earth System Model},
  author = { Jungclaus J. H. and Fischer N. and Lohmann K. and Marotzke J. and Matei D. and Mikolajewicz U. and Notz D. and von Storch J. },
  journal = {Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems},
@article{Wang M.
  title = {Summer Arctic sea ice will be gone sooner or later %u2013 an update from CMIP5 models},
  author = { Wang M. and Overland J. E. },
  journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},