Weare B. C.
Late 21st Century ENSO Teleconnections in CMIP5 Models
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Landerer F. W., Gleckler P., et al.
Evaluation of dynamic sea surface height in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models against satellite observations
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Mauritsen T., Stevens B., et al.
Tuning the climate of a global model
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Meijers A. J., Shuckburgh E., et al.
Representation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the CMIP5 climate models and future changes under warming scenarios
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Levine R. C., Turner A. G., et al.
The role of northern Arabian Sea surface temperature biases in CMIP5 model simulations and future predictions of Indian summer monsoon rainfall
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Po-Chedley S., Fu Q.
Discrepancies in tropical upper tropospheric warming between atmospheric circulation models and satellites
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Friedlingstein P., Meinshausen M., et al.
CMIP5 climate projections and uncertainties due to carbon cycle feedbacks
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