Abs550aer - Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550nm | 2 |
Airmass - Vertically Integrated Mass Content of Air in Layer | 1 |
Albdiffbnd - Diffuse Surface Albedo for Each Band | 15 |
Areacella - Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables | 5 |
Areacello - Grid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables | 3 |
C4PftFrac - Percentage Cover by C4 Plant Functional Type | 13 |
Ccb - Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base | 2 |
Cct - Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top | 2 |
Ch4 - Mole Fraction of CH4 | 1 |
Chl - Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water | 1 |
CLand - Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools | 1 |
Clcalipso - CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover | 1 |
Clc - Convective Cloud Area Percentage | 3 |
Clic - Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Ice | 2 |
Cli - Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice | 4 |
Clisccp - ISCCP Cloud Area Percentage | 18 |
Clis - Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice | 2 |
CLitter - Carbon Mass in Litter Pool | 14 |
Clivi - Ice Water Path | 16 |
Cl - Percentage Cloud Cover | 23 |
Cls - Percentage Cover of Stratiform Cloud | 3 |
Cltc - Convective Cloud Cover Percentage | 4 |
Clt - Total Cloud Cover Percentage | 46 |
Clwc - Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Liquid Water | 2 |
Clw - Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water | 5 |
Clws - Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water | 2 |
Clwvi - Condensed Water Path | 17 |
Co2mass - Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2 | 1 |
Co2 - Mole Fraction of CO2 | 1 |
CProduct - Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change | 1 |
CSoil - Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool | 20 |
CSoilFast - Carbon Mass in Fast Soil Pool | 1 |
CSoilMedium - Carbon Mass in Medium Soil Pool | 1 |
CSoilSlow - Carbon Mass in Slow Soil Pool | 1 |
CVeg - Carbon Mass in Vegetation | 15 |
Deptho - Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid | 3 |
Dissic - Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration | 1 |
Drybc - Dry Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass | 1 |
Drydust - Dry Deposition Rate of Dust | 1 |
Drynh3 - Dry Deposition Rate of NH3 | 1 |
Drynh4 - Dry Deposition Rate of NH4 | 1 |
Drynoy - Dry Deposition Rate of NOy | 1 |
Dryoa - Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter | 1 |
Dryso2 - Dry Deposition Rate of SO2 | 1 |
Dryso4 - Dry Deposition Rate of SO4 | 1 |
Dryss - Dry Deposition Rate of Sea-Salt Aerosol | 1 |
Edt - Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature | 2 |
Emiaco - Total Emission Rate of Anthropogenic CO | 1 |
Emianox - Total Emission Rate of Anthropogenic NOx | 1 |
Emiaoa - Total Emission Rate of Anthropogenic Organic Aerosol | 1 |
Emibc - Total Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass | 1 |
Emibvoc - Total Emission Rate of Biogenic NMVOC | 1 |
Emico - Total Emission Rate of CO | 1 |
Emidms - Total Emission Rate of DMS | 1 |
Emidust - Total Emission Rate of Dust | 1 |
Emiisop - Total Emission Rate of Isoprene | 1 |
Emilnox - Layer-Integrated Lightning Production of NOx | 1 |
Eminh3 - Total Emission Rate of NH3 | 1 |
Eminox - Total Emission Rate of NOx | 1 |
Emioa - Primary Emission and Chemical Production of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter | 1 |
Emiso2 - Total Emission Rate of SO2 | 1 |
Emiso4 - Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 | 1 |
Emiss - Total Emission Rate of Sea-Salt Aerosol | 1 |
Emivoc - Total Emission Rate of NMVOC | 1 |
Epfy - Northward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux | 1 |
Evspsbl - Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration | 3 |
Evspsblsoi - Water Evaporation from Soil | 5 |
Evspsblveg - Evaporation from Canopy | 7 |
Evs - Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea | 34 |
Evu - Eddy Viscosity Coefficient for Momentum | 2 |
Fgco2 - Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1] | 2 |
FLuc - Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1] | 1 |
FVegLitter - Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter | 3 |
Gpp - Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] | 10 |
H2o - Mass Fraction of Water | 4 |
Hfbasin - Northward Ocean Heat Transport | 12 |
Hfbasinpmdiff - Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion | 3 |
Hfcorr - Heat Flux Correction | 2 |
Hfds - Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface | 12 |
Hfgeou - Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor | 1 |
Hfls - Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux | 1 |
Hfss - Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux | 2 |
Htovgyre - Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Gyre | 3 |
Htovovrt - Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Overturning | 5 |
Hur - Relative Humidity | 51 |
Hurs - Near-Surface Relative Humidity | 5 |
Huss - Near-Surface Specific Humidity | 4 |
Hus - Specific Humidity | 91 |
Lai - Leaf Area Index | 9 |
Lossch4 - Monthly Loss of Atmospheric Methane | 1 |
Lwsnl - Liquid Water Content of Snow Layer | 2 |
Masso - Sea Water Mass | 1 |
Mc - Convective Mass Flux | 4 |
Mlotst - Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T | 14 |
Mmrbc - Elemental Carbon Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mmrnh4 - NH4 Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mmrno3 - NO3 Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mmroa - Total Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mmrso4 - Aerosol Sulfate Mass Mixing Ratio | 4 |
Mmrsoa - Secondary Organic Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mmrss - Sea-Salt Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio | 1 |
Mrfso - Soil Frozen Water Content | 3 |
Mrros - Surface Runoff | 10 |
Mrro - Total Runoff | 15 |
Mrsofc - Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity) | 3 |
Mrsol - Total Water Content of Soil Layer | 1 |
Mrsos - Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column | 10 |
Mrso - Total Soil Moisture Content | 21 |
Msftyz - Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction | 1 |
Nbp - Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] | 2 |
Nep - Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] | 1 |
Npp - Net Primary Production on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] | 16 |
NppWood - Net Primary Production Allocated to Wood as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] | 1 |
O2 - Dissolved Oxygen Concentration | 1 |
O3 - Mole Fraction of O3 | 3 |
Od550aer - Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm | 4 |
Od550bc - Black Carbon Optical Thickness at 550nm | 1 |
Od550oa - Total Organic Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm | 1 |
Od550so4 - Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm | 1 |
Omldamax - Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme | 12 |
Opottempmint - Integral with Respect to Depth of Product of Sea Water Density and Potential Temperature | 11 |
Orog - Surface Altitude | 10 |
Pctisccp - ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure | 2 |
Phalf - Pressure on Model Half-Levels | 62 |
Ph - pH | 1 |
Pppico - Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton | 1 |
Prc - Convective Precipitation | 15 |
Prcprof - Convective Rainfall Flux | 6 |
Prlsns - Stratiform Snowfall Flux | 3 |
Prlsprof - Stratiform Rainfall Flux | 6 |
Pr - Precipitation | 374 |
Prsnc - Convective Snowfall Flux | 2 |
Prsn - Snowfall Flux | 18 |
Prw - Water Vapor Path | 35 |
Psl - Sea Level Pressure | 122 |
Ps - Surface Air Pressure | 72 |
Ra - Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1] | 7 |
Reffsclwtop - Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius in Stratiform Cloud | 1 |
Rh - Total Heterotrophic Respiration on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1] | 9 |
Rldcs - Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | 1 |
Rld - Downwelling Longwave Radiation | 15 |
Rldscs - Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | 24 |
Rlds - Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation | 55 |
Rlucs - Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | 1 |
Rlus - Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation | 31 |
Rlutaf - TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation | 1 |
Rlutcsaf - TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation | 1 |
Rlutcs - TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | 35 |
Rlut - TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation | 69 |
Rlu - Upwelling Longwave Radiation | 6 |
Rootd - Maximum Root Depth | 2 |
Rsdcsaf - Downwelling Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsdcs - Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsd - Downwelling Shortwave Radiation | 18 |
Rsdscs - Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | 29 |
Rsds - Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation | 59 |
Rsdt - TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation | 50 |
Rsucsaf - Upwelling Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsucs - Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsuscs - Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | 27 |
Rsus - Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation | 42 |
Rsutaf - TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsutcsaf - TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation | 1 |
Rsutcs - TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | 38 |
Rsut - TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation | 64 |
Rsu - Upwelling Shortwave Radiation | 6 |
Rtmt - Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model | 18 |
Sbl - Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux | 2 |
SfcWindmax - Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed | 75 |
SfcWind - Near-Surface Wind Speed | 3 |
Sfdsi - Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux | 3 |
Sftgif - Land Ice Area Percentage | 9 |
Sftlf - Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes) | 36 |
Sftof - Sea Area Percentage | 17 |
Siarean - Sea-Ice Area North | 1 |
Siconca - Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) | 3 |
Siconc - Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) | 77 |
Sic - Sea Ice Area Fraction | 3 |
Sidmasstranx - X-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport | 4 |
Siextentn - Sea-Ice Extent North | 1 |
Siitdthick - Sea-Ice Thickness in Thickness Categories | 1 |
Sitemptop - Surface Temperature of Sea Ice | 3 |
Sithick - Sea Ice Thickness | 26 |
Sit - Sea Ice Thickness | 1 |
Siu - X-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity | 5 |
Sivol - Sea-Ice Volume per Area | 3 |
Siv - Y-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity | 5 |
Snc - Snow Area Percentage | 12 |
Snd - Snow Depth | 6 |
Snm - Surface Snow Melt | 3 |
Snw - Surface Snow Amount | 13 |
Soga - Global Mean Sea Water Salinity | 41 |
So - Sea Water Salinity | 3 |
Sos - Sea Surface Salinity | 25 |
Spco2 - Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 | 7 |
Ta - Air Temperature | 10 |
Talk - Total Alkalinity | 1 |
Tasmax - Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature | 6 |
Tasmin - Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature | 4 |
Tas - Near-Surface Air Temperature | 36 |
Tauuo - Sea Water Surface Downward X Stress | 12 |
Tauu - Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress | 17 |
Tauvo - Sea Water Surface Downward Y Stress | 10 |
Tauv - Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress | 14 |
Thetaoga - Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature | 69 |
Thetao - Sea Water Potential Temperature | 6 |
Tnhusa - Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Advection | 2 |
Tnhusc - Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Convection | 3 |
Tnhusd - Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Numerical Diffusion | 2 |
Tnhusmp - Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Model Physics | 2 |
Tnhus - Tendency of Specific Humidity | 4 |
Tnta - Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Advection | 3 |
Tntr - Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Radiative Heating | 4 |
Tnt - Tendency of Air Temperature | 10 |
Tos - Sea Surface Temperature | 10 |
Toz - Total Column Ozone | 7 |
Tran - Transpiration | 6 |
Tslsi - Surface Temperature Where Land or Sea Ice | 228 |
Tsl - Temperature of Soil | 12 |
Ts - Surface Temperature | 8 |
Ua - Eastward Wind | 14 |
Uas - Eastward Near-Surface Wind | 4 |
Va - Northward Wind | 10 |
Vas - Northward Near-Surface Wind | 3 |
Volcello - Ocean Grid-Cell Volume | 7 |
Volo - Sea Water Volume | 1 |
Wap - Omega (=dp/dt) | 6 |
Wfcorr - Water Flux Correction | 3 |
Wfo - Water Flux into Sea Water | 1 |
Zg500 - Geopotential Height at 500hPa | 1 |
Zg - Geopotential Height | 97 |
Zos - Sea Surface Height Above Geoid | 3 |
Zostoga - Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change | 7 |
Zvelsurf - Upward Component of Land-Ice Surface Velocity | 1 |