title = {5th Annual Earth System Grid Federation},
author = {
Williams, Dean N.
number = {LLNL-TR-689917},
year = {2016},
title = {U.S. DOE. 2015. Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental System Science: Modeling Frameworks, Data Management, and Scientific Workflows; Workshop Report},
author = {
Williams, Dean N.
number = {DOE/SC-0178},
year = {2015},
@techreport{Ganguli P.
title = {Water Stress on US Power Production at Decadal Time Horizons},
author = {
Ganguli P.
and Kumar D.
and Ganguly A. R.
number = {DE-AR0000482},
year = {2014},
title = {Synergistic Challenges in Data-Intensive Science and Exascale Computing},
author = {
Williams, Dean N.
number = {N/A},
year = {2013},
@techreport{Kervankiran S.
title = {State of the climate in Turkey in 2011},
author = {
Kervankiran S.
and Ulupinar Y.
and Demircan M.
and Sensoy S.
number = {1},
editor = {Serhat Sensoy},
year = {2012},
@techreport{Pavlova T.
title = {Sea ice in CMIP5 models: closer to reality?},
author = {
Pavlova T.
and Kattsov V.
and Govorkova V.
year = {2011},
title = {Ultrascale Visualization Climate Data Analysis Tools: Three-year Comprehensive Report},
author = {
Williams, Dean N.
number = {LBNL-3821E, 2010},
year = {2010},