Qu X., Huang G.
Projected changes of the South Asian High in CMIP5 models
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Huopo C.
Projected change of extreme precipitation events in China under global warming scenario
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DU Z., HUANG R., et al.
How Well can CMIP5 CGCMs Simulate the EAP/PJ Teleconnection Pattern and its Corresponding Summer Climate in the East Asian Monsoon Region
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Goosse H., Braida M., et al.
Antarctic temperature changes during the last millennium: evaluation of simulations and reconstructions
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Kongola L., Taylor R. G., et al.
Dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall: evidence from East Africa.
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Myhrvold N., Caldeira K.
Time scale of thermal response of an abrupt change in atmospheric CO2 content in CMIP5 simulations
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Hezel P. J., Zhang X., et al.
Projected decline in spring snow depth on Arctic sea ice caused by progressively later autumn open ocean freeze-up this century
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Ma J., Xie S.
Regional Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature Change: A Source of Uncertainty in Future Projections of Precipitation and Atmospheric Circulation
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Geoffroy O., Saint-Martin D., et al.
Transient climate response in a two-layer energy-balance model. Part I: analytical solution and parameter calibration using CMIP5 AOGCM experiments.
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Geoffroy O., Saint-Martin D., et al.
Transient climate response in a two-layer energy-balance model. Part II: representation of the efficacy of deep-ocean heat uptake and validation for CMIP5 AOGCMs.
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Geoffroy O., Saint-Martin D., et al.
Quantifying the sources of spread in climate change experiments
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