Belda, M, Holtanová, E, et al.
Global warming-induced changes in climate zones based on CMIP5 projections
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Jahn, Alexandra, Kay, Jennifer E., et al.
How predictable is the timing of a summer ice‐free Arctic?
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Tabari, Hossein, De Troch, Rozemien, et al.
Local impact analysis of climate change on precipitation extremes: are high-resolution climate models needed for realistic simulations?
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Phoebe A. Woodworth-Jefcoats, Jeffrey J. Polovina, et al.
Climate change is projected to reduce carrying capacity and redistribute species richness in North Pacific pelagic marine ecosystems
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Pendergrass, Angeline G., Gerber, Edwin P.
The Rain Is Askew: Two Idealized Models Relating Vertical Velocity and Precipitation Distributions in a Warming World
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Danco, James F., DeAngelis, Anthony M., et al.
Effects of a Warming Climate on Daily Snowfall Events in the Northern Hemisphere
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Jones, C D, Ciais, P, et al.
Simulating the Earth system response to negative emissions
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Terai, C. R., Klein, S. A., et al.
Constraining the low-cloud optical depth feedback at middle and high latitudes using satellite observations
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Alan J. Hewitt, Ben B. B. Booth, et al.
Sources of uncertainty in future projections of the carbon cycle
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Salzmann, M.
Global warming without global mean precipitation increase?
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Medhaug, Iselin, Drange, Helge
Global and regional surface cooling in a warming climate: a multi-model analysis
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Wills, Robert C., Byrne, Michael P., et al.
Thermodynamic and dynamic controls on changes in the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle
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Harrington, Luke J, Frame, David J, et al.
Poorest countries experience earlier anthropogenic emergence of daily temperature extremes
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Shiogama, H., Stone, D., et al.
Predicting future uncertainty constraints on global warming projections
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King, Andrew D., Black, Mitchell T., et al.
Emergence of heat extremes attributable to anthropogenic influences
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Purich, Ariaan, Cai, Wenju, et al.
Evidence for link between modelled trends in Antarctic sea ice and underestimated westerly wind changes
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Grieve, BD, Curchitser, EN, et al.
Range expansion of the invasive lionfish in the Northwest Atlantic with climate change
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Mahowald, Natalie, Lo, Fiona, et al.
Projections of leaf area index in earth system models
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Le, Thanh, Sjolte, Jesper, et al.
The influence of external forcing on subdecadal variability of regional surface temperature in CMIP5 simulations of the last millennium
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HAM, Suryun, LEE, Ji-Woo, et al.
Assessing Future Climate Changes in the East Asian Summer and Winter Monsoon Using Regional Spectral Model
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Quesada Benjamin, Devaraju Narayanappa, et al.
Reduction of monsoon rainfall in response to past and future land-use and land-cover changes
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Zelinka, Mark D., Zhou, Chen, et al.
Insights from a refined decomposition of cloud feedbacks
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Pendergrass, Angeline G., Lehner, Flavio, et al.
Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?
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Rotstayn, Leon D., Collier, Mark A., et al.
Why Does Aerosol Forcing Control Historical Global-Mean Surface Temperature Change in CMIP5 Models?
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Basharin, Dmitry, Polonsky, Alexander, et al.
Projected precipitation and air temperature over Europe using a performance-based selection method of CMIP5 GCMs
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Marvel, Kate, Zelinka, Mark, et al.
External Influences on Modeled and Observed Cloud Trends
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Wieder, William R., Cleveland, Cory C., et al.
Future productivity and carbon storage limited by terrestrial nutrient availability
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Rotstayn, L D, Collier, M A, et al.
Effects of declining aerosols on projections of zonally averaged tropical precipitation
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Steiner N. S., Sou T., et al.
The Future of the Subsurface Chlorophyll-a Maximum in the Canada Basin - A Model Intercomparison
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Hewitt A. J., Booth B. B., et al.
Sources of uncertainty in future projections of the carbon cycle
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Muglia J., Schmittner A.
Glacial Atlantic overturning increased by wind stress in climate models
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Muglia J.
Glacial Atlantic overturning increased by wind stress in climate models
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Dowdy A. J., Grose M. R., et al.
Rainfall in Australia%u2019s eastern seaboard: a review of confidence in projections based on observations and physical processes
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Jiang D., Tian Z., et al.
Mid-Holocene global monsoon area and precipitation from PMIP simulations
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Liu Y., Jiang D.
Mid-Holocene permafrost: Results from CMIP5 simulations
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Liu Y., Jiang D.
Last glacial maximum permafrost in China from CMIP5 simulations
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Jiang D., Tian Z., et al.
The concept of global monsoon applied to the last glacial maximum: A multi-model analysis
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Sui Y., Lang X., et al.
Temperature and precipitation signals over China with a 2°C global warming
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Jiang D., Tian Z., et al.
Reliability of climate models for China through the IPCC Third to Fifth Assessment Reports
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DeAngelis A. M., Qu X., et al.
An observational radiative constraint on hydrologic cycle intensification
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Sylla M. B., Giorgi F., et al.
Projected Changes in the Annual Cycle of High-Intensity Precipitation Events over West Africa for the Late Twenty-First Century
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Loder J. W., van der Baaren A., et al.
Climate comparisons and change projections for the Northwest Atlantic from six CMIP5 models
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Sylla M. B., Elguindi N., et al.
Projected robust shift of climate zones over West Africa in response to anthropogenic climate change for the late 21st century
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Gong H., Wang L., et al.
Diverse Influences of ENSO on the East Asian%u2013Western Pacific Winter Climate Tied to Different ENSO Properties in CMIP5 Models
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Melet A. V., Meyssignac B.
Explaining the Spread in Global Mean Thermosteric Sea Level Rise in CMIP5 Climate Models
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Melet A. V., Meyssignac B.
Explaining the Spread in Global Mean Thermosteric Sea Level Rise in CMIP5 Climate Models
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Fläschner D., Mauritsen T., et al.
Understanding the inter-model spread in global-mean hydrological sensitivity
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Qu X., Hall A., et al.
The strength of the tropical inversion and its response to climate change in 18 CMIP5 models
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Hauck J., Völker C., et al.
On the Southern Ocean CO2 uptake and the role of the biological carbon pump in the 21st century
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Kam J., Knutson T. R., et al.
Record annual mean warmth over Europe, the northeast Pacific, and the northwest Atlantic during 2014: Assessment of anthropogenic influence
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Boisier J., Rondanelli R., et al.
Anthropogenic and natural contributions to the Southeast Pacific precipitation decline and recent megadrought in central Chile
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Boisier J., Ciais P., et al.
Projected strengthening of Amazonian dry season by constrained climate model simulations
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Ferraro A. J., Lambert F. H., et al.
Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Climate Feedbacks Investigated using Temperature and Moisture Trends
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Melet A. V., Meyssignac B.
Explaining the Spread in Global Mean Thermosteric Sea Level Rise in CMIP5 Climate Models
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Fläschner D., Mauritsen T., et al.
Understanding the inter-model spread in global-mean hydrological sensitivity
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Fueglistaler S., Radley C., et al.
The distribution of precipitation and the spread in tropical upper tropospheric temperature trends in CMIP5/AMIP simulations
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Fueglistaler S., Radley C., et al.
The distribution of precipitation and the spread in tropical upper tropospheric temperature trends in CMIP5/AMIP simulations
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Ji Z., Kang S.
Evaluation of extreme climate events using a regional climate model for China
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Strobach E., Bel G.
Improvement of climate predictions and reduction of their uncertainties using learning algorithms
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Vano J. A., Kim J. B., et al.
Selecting climate change scenarios using impact-relevant sensitivities
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English J. M., Gettelman A., et al.
Arctic Radiative Fluxes: Present-Day Biases and Future Projections in CMIP5 Models
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Ji Z., Wang G., et al.
Potential climate effect of mineral aerosols over West Africa. Part I: model validation and contemporary climate evaluation
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Hu W., Wu R.
Relationship between South China Sea Precipitation Variability and Tropical Indo-Pacific SST Anomalies in IPCC CMIP5 Models during Spring-to-Summer Transition
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Lin J., Qian T., et al.
Is the tropical atmosphere in convective quasi-equilibrium?
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Melia N., Haines K., et al.
Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias corrected CMIP5 simulations
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Hopcroft P. O., Valdes P. J.
How well do simulated last glacial maximum tropical temperatures constrain equilibrium climate sensitivity?
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Zappa G., Hoskins B. J., et al.
The dependence of wintertime Mediterranean precipitation on the atmospheric circulation response to climate change
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Rykaczewski R. R., Dunne J. P., et al.
Poleward displacement of coastal upwelling-favorable winds in the ocean's eastern boundary currents through the 21st century
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Melia N., Haines K., et al.
Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias-corrected CMIP5 simulations
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Ji Z., Wang G., et al.
Potential climate effect of mineral aerosols over West Africa: Part II%u2014contribution of dust and land cover to future climate change
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Guo Y., Zhao Z., et al.
Two dominant modes of winter temperature variations over China and their relationships with large-scale circulations in CMIP5 models
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Wang G., Power S. S., et al.
Unambiguous warming in the western tropical Pacific primarily caused by anthropogenic forcing
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Tian D., Guo Y., et al.
Future Changes and Uncertainties in Temperature and Precipitation over China based on CMIP5 models
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Evan A. T., Flamant C., et al.
Water Vapor%u2013Forced Greenhouse Warming over the Sahara Desert and the Recent Recovery from the Sahelian Drought
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Flamant C., Fiedler S., et al.
An analysis of aeolian dust in climate models
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Kumar D., Mishra V., et al.
Evaluating wind extremes in CMIP5 climate models
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Swart N. C., Fyfe J. C., et al.
Influence of internal variability on Arctic sea-ice trends
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Willison J., Robinson W. A., et al.
North Atlantic Storm-Track Sensitivity to Warming Increases with Model Resolution
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Ren R., Yang Y., et al.
Understanding the systematic air temperature biases in a coupled climate system model through a process%u2010based decomposition method
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Jiang L., Yan Y., et al.
Scale-Dependent Performance of CMIP5 Earth System Models in Simulating Terrestrial Vegetation Carbon
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Bo W., Xiaolong C., et al.
Decadal predictions by a coupled global climate model FGOALS-s2
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Wild M., Folini D., et al.
The energy balance over land and oceans: An assessment based on direct observations and CMIP5 climate models
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Renping L., Tianjun Z.
Reproducibility and Future Projections of the Precipitation Structure in East Asia in Four Chines e GCMs That Participated in the CMIP5 Experiments
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Lixia Z., Tianjun Z.
An Assessment of Improvements in Global Monsoon Precipitation Simulation in FGOALS-s2?
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Xiao C., Zhang Y.
Projected changes of wintertime synoptic-scale transient eddy activities in the East Asian eddy-driven jet from CMIP5 experiments
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Magi B. I.
Global Lightning Paramterization from CMIP5 Climate Model Output
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Ji Z., Wang G., et al.
Potential climate effect of mineral aerosols over West Africa: Part II%u2014contribution of dust and land cover to future climate change
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Notaro M., Bennington V., et al.
Dynamically downscaled projections of lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes Basin
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Durack P. J.
Ocean salinity and the global water cycle
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Perez J., Menendez M., et al.
Statistical multi-model climate projections of surface ocean waves in Europe
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Lau W. K., Kim K.
Robust responses of the Hadley circulation and global dryness form CMIP5 model CO2 warming projections
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Chang E. K., Zheng C., et al.
Significant Modulation of Variability and Projected Change in California Winter Precipitation by Extratropical Cyclone Acitivity
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Shuangmei M., Tianjun Z.
Precipitation changes in wet and dry seasons over the 20th century simulated by two versions of the FGOALS model
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Wright D. B., Knutson T. R., et al.
Regional climate model projections of rainfall from U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones
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Ito T., Bracco A., et al.
Sustained growth of the Southern Ocean carbon storage in a warming climate
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Rao J., Ren R., et al.
Parallel Comparison of the Northern Winter Stratospheric Circulation in Reanalysis and in CMIP5 Models
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Yang Y., Ren R., et al.
Attributing Analysis on the Model Bias in Surface Temperature in the Climate System Model FGOALS-s2 through a Process-Based Decomposition Method
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Phillips T. J., Bonfils C. J.
Koppen bioclimatic evaluation of CMIP historical climate simulations
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Flamant C., Fiedler S., et al.
An analysis of aeolian dust in climate models
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Murari K. K., Ghosh S., et al.
Intensification of future severe heat waves in India and their effect on heat stress and mortality
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