@conference{Dowdy A. J.
  title = {Large-scale modelling of environments favourable for dry lightning occurrence},
  author = { Dowdy A. J. },
  year = {2015},
@conference{Ganguli P.
  title = {Water Stress on U.S. Power Production at Decadal Time Horizons},
  author = { Ganguli P. and Kumar D. and Yun J. and Short G. and Klausner J. and Ganguly A. R. },
  year = {2014},
@conference{Belda M.
  title = {On the integrated climate assessment using climate classification},
  author = { Belda M. and Halenka T. and Kalvova J. and Holtanova E. },
  year = {2014},
@conference{Zou Y.
  title = {CMIP5 Simulations of US Winter Responses to El Niño Diversity},
  author = { Zou Y. and Yu J. and Lee T. },
  year = {2013},
@conference{Halenka T.
  title = {Climate classi%uFB01cation revisited: From Köppen to Trewartha for models evaluation},
  author = { Halenka T. and Belda M. and Kalvova J. and Holtanova E. },
  year = {2013},
@conference{Zou Y.
  title = {The Changing Impacts of El Niño on US Winter Climate},
  author = { Zou Y. and Yu J. and Kim S. and Lee T. },
  year = {2012},
@conference{Collier M. A.
  title = {CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 Southern Hemisphere heat and momentum change under uniquely forced attribution and detection experiments},
  author = { Collier M. A. and Kim K. and Hirst A. C. and Rotstayn L. D. and Jeffrey S. J. },
  year = {2012},
@conference{Blazquez J.
  title = {Cuantificación de incertidumbres en las proyecciones de precipitación sobre Sudamérica utilizando modelos del CMIP3 y CMIP5},
  author = { Blazquez J. },
  year = {2012},
@conference{Syktus J.
  title = {The CSIRO-QCCCE contribution to CMIP5 using the CSIRO Mk3.6 climate model},
  author = { Syktus J. and Jeffrey S. and Rotstayn L. and Wong K. and Toombs N. and Dravitzki S. and Collier M. and Hamalainen C. and Moesender C. },
  year = {2011},
@conference{Alan I.
  title = {Trends in Turkey climate extreme indices from 1971 to 2004},
  author = { Alan I. and Demircan M. and Sensoy S. },
  year = {2008},
@conference{Ahmed C. B.
  title = {Assessment of climate change effects on agriculture in the Mediterranean countries},
  author = { Ahmed C. B. and Sensoy S. },
  year = {2008},