Chongbo Z., Tianjun Z., et al.
The Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation Simulated by 4 Chinese AGCMs Participated in CMIP5 Project
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Schoetter R., Cattiaux J., et al.
Changes of western European heat wave characteristics projected by the CMIP5 ensemble.
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Cai W., Santoso A., et al.
Increased frequency of extreme Indian Ocean Dipole events due to greenhouse warming
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Cai W., Borlace S., et al.
Increasing frequency of extreme El Niño events due to greenhouse warming
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Douville H., Voldoire A., et al.
The recent global warming hiatus: What is the role of Pacific variability?
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Cabre A., Marinov I., et al.
Consistent global responses of marine ecosystems to future climate change across the IPCC AR5 earth system models
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Wang F., Yang S., et al.
Radiation budget biases in AMIP5 models over the East Asian monsoon region
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Wang F., Xin X., et al.
Evaluation of cloud vertical structure simulated by recent BCC AGCM versions through comparison with CALIPSO-GOCCP data
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Haughton N., Abramowitz G., et al.
On the generation of climate model ensembles
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Carvalhais N., Forkel M., et al.
Global covariation of carbon turnover times with climate in terrestrial ecosystems
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Slangen A., et al. .
Detection and attribution of global mean thermosteric sea-level change
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Bintanja R., Selten F.
Future increases in Arctic precipitation linked to local evaporation and sea ice retreat
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Hawkins E., Anderson B.
Uncertainties in the timing of unprecedented climates
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Schoof J. T., Pryor S. C.
Assessing the fidelity of AOGCM-simulated relationships between large-scale modes of climate variability and wind speeds
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King A. D., Donat M. G., et al.
The ENSO-Australian rainfall teleconnection in reanalysis and CMIP5
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Grise K. M., Polvani L. M.
The response of midlatitude jets to increased CO2: Distinguishing the roles of sea surface temperature and direct radiative forcing
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Skinner C. B., Diffenbaugh N. S.
Projected changes in African easterly wave intensity and track in response to greenhouse forcing
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Grise K. M., Polvani L. M.
Southern Hemisphere cloud-dynamics biases in CMIP5 models and their implications for climate projections
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Lima N. E., Lima-Ribeiro M. S., et al.
Phylogeography and ecological niche modelling, coupled with the fossil pollen record, unravel the demographic history of a Neotropical swamp palm through the Quaternary
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He J., Soden B., et al.
The robustness of the atmospheric circulation and precipitation response to future anthropogenic surface warming
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Mori M., Watanabe M., et al.
Robust Arctic sea-ice influence on the frequent Eurasian cold winters in past decades
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Purich A., Cowan T., et al.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions Associated with Southern Australian Heat Waves: A CMIP5 Analysis
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Kim S., Cai W., et al.
ENSO Stability in Coupled Climate Models and its Association with Mean State
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Dowdy A. J., Mills G. A., et al.
Fewer large waves projected for eastern Australia due to decreasing storminess
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Veiga J. A., Ambrizzi T.
A global and hemispherical analysis of the Lorenz energetics based on the Representative Concentration Pathways
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Chen J., Bordoni S.
Inter-model spread of East Asian Summer monsoon simulations in CMIP5
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Poulter B., Frank D., et al.
Contribution of semi-arid ecosystems to interannual variability of the global carbon cycle
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Collevatti R., Lima-Ribeiro M., et al.
Recovering species demographic history from multi-model inference: the case of a Neotropical savanna tree species
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Mehran A., AghaKouchak A., et al.
Evaluation of CMIP5 continental precipitation simulations relative to satellite-based gauge-adjusted observations
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Liu Z., Mehran A., et al.
Seasonal and regional biases in CMIP5 precipitation simulations
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Planas E., Lima-Ribeiro M., et al.
Ecological niche and phylogeography elucidate complex biogeographic patterns in Loxosceles rufescens (Araneae, Sicariidae) in the Mediterranean Basin
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Ma J., Yu J.
Lower tropospheric strengthening and upper tropospheric weakening
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Oliveira G., Lima-Ribeiro M., et al.
Evaluating, partitioning, and mapping the spatial autocorrelation component in ecological niche modeling: a new approach based on environmentally equidistant records
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Ma J., Yu J.
Linking Centennial Surface Warming Patterns in the Equatorial Pacific to the Relative Strengths of the Walker and Hadley Circulations
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Zou Y., Yu J., et al.
CMIP5 model simulations of the impacts of the two types of El Niño on the U.S. winter temperature
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Sherwood S. C., Bony S., et al.
Spread in model climate sensitivity traced to atmospheric convective mixing
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Arnell N. W., Lloyd-Hughes B.
The global-scale impacts of climate change on water resources and flooding under new climate and socio-economic scenarios
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Zhang X., Tang Q., et al.
Runoff Sensitivity to Global Mean Temperature Change in the CMIP5 Models
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Bellomo K., Clement A. C., et al.
Observational and Model Estimates of Cloud Amount Feedback over the Indian and Pacific Oceans
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Ding Y., Carton J. A., et al.
Ocean response to volcanic eruptions in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations
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Endo H., Kitoh A.
Thermodynamic and dynamic effects on regional monsoon rainfall changes in a warmer climate
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Naveau P., Zampieri M., et al.
Projections of global changes in precipitation extremes from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models
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Zappa G., Masato G., et al.
Linking Northern Hemisphere blocking and storm track biases in the CMIP5 climate models
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Chen L., Frauenfeld O. W.
A comprehensive evaluation of precipitation simulations over China based on CMIP5 multimodel ensemble projections
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Chen L., Frauenfeld O. W.
Surface Air Temperature Changes over the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries in China Simulated by 20 CMIP5 Models
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Chang E. K.
Impacts of background field removal on CMIP5 projected changes in Pacific winter cyclone activity
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Perez A. S., Li G., et al.
Evaluation of seasonal climates of northern Africa and the Mediterranean in the CMIP5 simulations.
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Hodges M., Belle J., et al.
Delays reducing waterborne and water-related infectious diseases in China under climate change
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Slangen A. B., Katsman C. A., et al.
Projecting twenty-first century regional sea-level changes
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Wang C., Zhang L., et al.
A global perspective on CMIP5 climate model biases
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Lebsock M. D., Su H.
Application of Active Spaceborne Remote Sensing for Understanding Biases Between Passive Cloud Water Path Retrievals
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Silva G. A., Dutra L. M., et al.
Preliminary Analysis on the Global Features of the NCEP CFSv2 Seasonal Hindcasts
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Krasting J. P., Broccoli A. J., et al.
Future changes in northern hemisphere snowfall
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Hajima T., Tachiiri K., et al.
Uncertainty of Concentration - Terrestrial Carbon Feedback in Earth System Models
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Knutson T. R., Zeng F., et al.
Seasonal and Annual Mean Precipitation Extremes Occurring During 2013: A U.S. Focused Analysis [in "Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective"]
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Bracegirdle T. J., Turner J., et al.
Sources of uncertainty in projections of twenty-first century westerly wind changes over the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, in CMIP5 climate models
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Knutson T. R., Zeng F., et al.
Multimodel Assessment of Extreme Annual-Mean Warm Anomalies During 2013 over Regions of Australia and the Western Tropical Pacific [in "Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective"]
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Hurwitz M. M., Calvo N., et al.
Extra-tropical atmospheric response to ENSO in the CMIP5 models
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Garcia-Serrano J., Guemas V., et al.
Added-value from initialization in predictions of Atlantic multi-decadal variability
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Cattiaux J., Douville H., et al.
Projected increase in diurnal and inter-diurnal variations of European summer temperatures
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Gong H., Wang L., et al.
The climatology and interannual variability of the East Asian winter monsoon in CMIP5 models
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Ott I., Romberg K., et al.
Teleconnections of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a CMIP5 model ensemble
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Barton N. P., Klein S. A., et al.
On the Contribution of Longwave Radiation to Global Climate Model Biases in Arctic Lower Tropospheric Stability
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Using initialized hindcasts to assess simulations of 1970-2009 equatorial Pacific SST, zonal wind stress, and surface flux trends
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Gordon N. D., Klein S. A.
Low-cloud optical depth feedback in climate models
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Hoffman F. M., Randerson J. T., et al.
Causes and Implications of Persistent Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Biases in Earth System Models
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Reliability of the CMIP5 GCM simulations in reproducing atmospheric circulation over Europe and the North Atlantic: a statistical downscaling perspective
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Wan H., Zhang X., et al.
Attributing northern high-latitude precipitation change over the period 1966%u20132005 to human influence
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Mitchell D. M., Misios S., et al.
Solar Signals in CMIP-5 Simulations: The Stratospheric Pathway
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Cherchi A., Annamalai H., et al.
South Asian summer monsoon and the eastern Mediterranean climate: the monsoon-desert mechanism in CMIP5 simulations
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Guemas V., Garcia-Serrano J., et al.
Prospects for decadal climate prediction in the Mediterranean region.
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Jones D. O., Yool A., et al.
Global reductions in seafloor biomass in response to climate change
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Sun Y., Zhang X., et al.
Rapid increase in the risk of extreme summer heat in Eastern China
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Cherchi A., Annamalai H., et al.
South Asian summer monsoon and the eastern Mediterranean climate: the monsoon-desert mechanism in CMIP5 simulations
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Manzini E., Karpechko A. Y., et al.
Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere-troposphere coupling
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Salzmann M., Weser H., et al.
Robust response of Asian summer monsoon to anthropogenic aerosols in CMIP5 models
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Iles C. E., Hegerl G. C.
The global precipitation response to volcanic eruptions in the CMIP5 models
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Sandeep S., Stordal F., et al.
Pacific Walker Circulation variability in coupled and uncoupled climate models
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Sabeerali C. T., Rao S. A., et al.
Why ensemble mean projection of South Asian Monsoon rainfall by CMIP5 models is not reliable?
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Terzago S., von Hardenberg J., et al.
Snowpack Changes in the Hindu Kush%u2013Karakoram%u2013Himalaya from CMIP5 Global Climate Models
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Hao Z., AghaKouchak A., et al.
Changes in Concurrent Monthly Precipitation and Temperature Extremes
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Taschetto A. S., Sen Gupta A., et al.
Cold tongue and warm pool ENSO events in CMIP5: mean state and future projections
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Murakami H., Hsu P., et al.
Influence of model biases on projected future changes in tropical cyclone frequency of occurrence.
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Murakami H., Sugi M., et al.
Future changes in tropical cyclone activity in the North Indian Ocean projected by high-resolution MRI-AGCMs.
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Davini P., Cagnazzo C.
On the misinterpretation of the North Atlantic Oscillation in CMIP5 models
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Smith R. S., Sutton R., et al.
The impact of salinity perturbations on the future uptake of heat by the Atlantic Ocean
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Sandø A., Gao Y., et al.
Poleward ocean heat transports, sea ice processes, and Arctic sea ice variability in NorESM1-M simulations
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Chadwick R. S., Good P., et al.
Surface warming patterns drive tropical rainfall pattern responses to CO2 forcing on all timescales
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Van den Hurk B. J., Van Oldenborgh G. J., et al.
Drivers of mean climate change around the Netherlands derived from CMIP5
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Yang C., Giese B. S., et al.
Ocean Dynamics and Tropical Pacific Climate Change in Ocean Reanalyses and Coupled Climate Models
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Bin W., Juan L., et al.
Understanding the Anthropogenically Forced Change of Equatorial Pacific Trade Winds in Coupled Climate Models
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Sandeep S., Ajayamohan R.
Poleward shift in Indian summer monsoon low level jetstream under global warming
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Woollings T., Harvey B., et al.
Arctic warming, atmospheric blocking and cold European winters in CMIP5 models
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Neil B. P., Stephen K. A., et al.
On the Contribution of Longwave Radiation to Global Climate Model Biases in Arctic Lower Tropospheric Stability
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Hardiman S. C., Butchart N., et al.
The morphology of the Brewer%u2013Dobson circulation and its response to climate change in CMIP5 simulations
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James R., Washington R., et al.
African climate change uncertainty in perturbed physics ensembles: Implications of global warming to 4°C and beyond
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Martin E. R., Thorncroft C.
Sahel rainfall in multimodel CMIP5 decadal hindcasts
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Martin E. R., Thorncroft C., et al.
The Multidecadal Atlantic SST%u2014Sahel Rainfall Teleconnection in CMIP5 Simulations
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Wang X. L., Feng Y., et al.
Changes in global ocean wave heights as projected using multimodel CMIP5 simulations
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Allan R. P., Liu C., et al.
Changes in global net radiative imbalance 1985-2012
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