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Future projections of the Greenland ice sheet energy balance driving the surface melt, developed using the regional climate MAR model
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Will there be a significant change to El Nino in the 21st century?
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Madden-Julian Oscillation in a climate model with a well-resolved stratosphere
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Aerosol contribution to the rapid warming of near-term climate under RCP 2.6
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North-Atlantic dynamics and European temperature extremes in the IPSL model: sensitivity to atmospheric resolution
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Towards a better understanding of changes in wintertime cold extremes over Europe: A pilot study with CNRM-CM5 and IPSL-CM5 atmospheric models
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Mauritsen T., Stevens B., et al.
Tuning the climate of a global model
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Forcing, feedbacks and climate sensitivity in CMIP5 coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models
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Sensitivity of the QBO to mean tropical upwelling under a changing climate simulated with an Earth system model
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Watanabe S., Yokohata T.
Future Increase in the All-sky UV-B Radiation over Asia Projected by an Earth System Model
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Watanabe S., Takemura T., et al.
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Takemi T., Nomura S., et al.
A regional-scale evaluation of changes in environmental stability for summertime afternoon precipitation under global warming from super-high-resolution GCM simulations: A study for the case in the Kanto Plain
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Forecast skill of multi-year seasonal means in the decadal prediction system of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
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Multi-Year Predictability of Temperature and Precipitation Identified in Climate Models
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Prediction of decadal variability of sea surface temperature by a coupled global climate model FGOALS_gl developed in LASG/IAP
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An overview of CMIP5 and the experiment design
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Projected regional-scale changes in atmospheric stability condition for the development of summertime convective precipitation in the Tokyo metropolitan area under global warming
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Robust future precipitation declines in CMIP5 largely reflect the poleward expansion of model subtropical dry zones
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Modelando a distribuição geográfica das espécies no passado: uma abordagem promissora em paleoecologia
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A coupled phylogeographic and species distribution modeling approach recovers the demographic history of a Neotropical seasonally dry forest tree species
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Recovering the Demographical History of a Brazilian Cerrado Tree Species Caryocar brasiliense: Coupling Ecological Niche Modeling and Coalescent Analyses
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An analysis of forced and internal variability in a warmer climate in CCSM3
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A stratospheric connection to Atlantic climate variability
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Stratosphere-troposphere coupling at inter-decadal time scales: Implications for the North Atlantic Ocean
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Murakami H., Mizuta R., et al.
Future changes in tropical cyclone activity projected by multi-physics and multi-SST ensemble experiments using the 60-km-mesh MRI-AGCM.
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Murakami H., Wang Y., et al.
Future changes in tropical cyclone activity projected by the new high-resolution MRI-AGCM.
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Williams C. J., Allan R. R., et al.
Diagnosing atmosphere%u2013land feedbacks in CMIP5 climate models
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Climate change hotspots in the CMIP5 global climate model ensemble
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Roeckner E., Mauritsen T., et al.
Impact of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice in past and future climates as simulated by MPI-ESM
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Tokinaga H., Xie S., et al.
Slowdown of the Walker circulation driven by tropical Indo-Pacific warming
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Xu L., Xie S., et al.
Mode Water Ventilation and Subtropical Countercurrent over the North Pacific in CMIP5 Simulations and Future Projections
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Origins of tropical-wide SST biases in CMIP multi-model ensembles
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van Oldenborgh G., van Urk A., et al.
The absence of a role of climate change in the 2011 Thailand floods
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The "too few, too bright" tropical low-cloud problem in CMIP5 models
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A method for disentangling El Nino-mean state interaction
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Uncertainty in the ENSO amplitude change from the past to future
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Solar irradiance reduction to counteract radiative forcing from a quadrupling of CO2: climate responses simulated by four earth system models
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Temperature Dependent Model Deficiencies Affect CMIP5 Multi Model Mean Climate Projections
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Cohen J., Furtado J., et al.
Asymmetric seasonal temperature trends
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More extreme swings of the South Pacific convergence zone due to greenhouse warming
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Climate Change, Allowable Emission, and Earth System Response to Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios
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What drives the global summer monsoon over the past millennium?
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Sensitivity of decadal predictions to the initial atmospheric and oceanic perturbations
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Identifying the causes for the low decadal climate forecast skill over the North Pacific
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North Australian sea surface temperatures and the El Nino Southern Oscillation in the CMIP5 models
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On the robustness of tropospheric adjustment in CMIP5 models
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Anthropogenic influence on multi-decadal changes in reconstructed global evapotranspiration
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Changes in South Pacific rainfall bands in a warming climate
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Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions
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Constraining projections of summer Arctic sea ice
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Stochastic decadal climate simulations for the Berg and Breede Water Management Areas, Western Cape province, South Africa
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Double nested dynamical downscaling experiments over the Tibetan Plateau and their projection of climate change under two RCP scenarios
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Projection of snow cover changes over China under RCP scenarios
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Initialisation and predictability of the AMOC over the last 50 years in a climate model.
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The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
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Discrepancies in tropical upper tropospheric warming between atmospheric circulation models and satellites
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Evaluating and Understanding Top-of-Atmosphere Cloud Radiative Effects in IPCC-AR5/CMIP5 Models using Satellite Observations
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Yin L., Fu R., et al.
How well can CMIP5 simulate precipitation and its controlling processes over tropical South America?
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Evaluating global climate responses to different forcings using simple indices
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Evidence for multiple drivers of North Atlantic multi-decadal climate variability
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Impact of rapid sea-ice reduction in the Arctic Ocean on the rate of ocean acidification
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Robustness and uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem carbon response to CMIP5 climate change projections
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Chaturvedi R. K., Joshi J., et al.
Multi-model climate change projections for India under representative concentration pathways
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Telford R. J., Li C., et al.
Mismatch between the depth habitat of planktonic foraminifera and the calibration depth of SST transfer functions may bias reconstructions
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The East Asian Upper-tropospheric Jet Stream and Associated Transient Eddy Activity Simulated by a Climate System Model BCC_CSM1.1
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Future methane, hydroxyl, and their uncertainties: key climate and emission parameters for future predictions
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Balan Sarojini B., Stott P., et al.
Fingerprints of Changes in Annual and Seasonal Precipitation from CMIP5 Models over Land and Ocean
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Ocean heat uptake and its consequences for the magnitude of sea level rise and climate change
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The CNRM-CM5.1 global climate model : description and basic evaluation
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Chang E. K., Guo Y., et al.
CMIP5 Multi-Model Ensemble Projection of Storm Track Change Under Global Warming
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The OASIS3 coupler: a European climate modelling community software
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Kug J., Ham Y., et al.
Improved simulation of two types of El Niño in CMIP5 models
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Lee J., Wang B.
Future change of global monsoon in the CMIP5
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Liu H., Wang C., et al.
Atlantic Warm Pool Variability in the CMIP5 Simulations
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Assessing the Transferability of the Regional Climate Model REMO to Different COordinated Regional Climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) Regions
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Todd-Brown K. E., Randerson J. T., et al.
Causes of variation in soil carbon predictions from CMIP5 Earth system models and comparison with observations
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Rotstayn L. D., Jeffrey S. J., et al.
Aerosol- and greenhouse gas-induced changes in summer rainfall and circulation in the Australasian region: a study using single-forcing climate simulations
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Exceptional warming in the western Pacific-Indian Ocean Warm Pool has contributed to more frequent droughts in Eastern Africa
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Wang K., Dickinson R.
A review of global terrestrial evapotranspiration: Observation, modeling, climatology, and climatic variability
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Quesada B., Vautard R., et al.
Asymmetric European summer heat predictability from wet and dry southern winters and springs
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Cohen J., Furtado J., et al.
Arctic warming, increasing fall snow cover and widespread boreal winter cooling.
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Jones G. S., Stott P. A., et al.
Attribution of observed historical near surface temperature variations to anthropogenic and natural causes using CMIP5 simulations
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Evaluation of Cloud and Water Vapor Simulations in CMIP5 Climate Models Using NASA A-Train Satellite Observations
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Yang S., Christensen J. H.
Arctic sea ice reduction and European cold winters in CMIP5 climate change experiments
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Williams, Dean N., Lawrence, Bryan N., et al.
The Earth System Grid Federation: Delivering globally accessible petascale data for CMIP5
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Ahrens, James, Hendrickson, Bruce, et al.
Data-Intensive Science in the US DOE: Case Studies and Future Challenges
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Wang, Feiyi, Harney, John, et al.
Building a large scale climate data system in support of HPC environment
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Jian L., Wang B., et al.
Forced response of the East Asian summer rainfall over the past millennium: results from a coupled model simulation
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Koop, David, Santos, Emanuele, et al.
A Provenance-Based Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle of Executable Papers
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Efficient Bulk Data Replication for the EarthSystem Grid
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Watanabe S., Hajima T., et al.
MIROC-ESM 2010: model description and basic results of CMIP5-20c3m experiments
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Watanabe S., Sudo K., et al.
Future projections of surface UV%u2010B in a changing climate
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