Chen L., Pryor S. C.
Assessing the performance of IPCC AR5 Climate Models in simulating and projecting wind speeds over China
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Williams K. D., Bodas-Salcedo A., et al.
The Transpose-AMIP II experiment and its application to the understanding of Southern Ocean cloud biases in climate models
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Marvel K., Bonfils C.
Identifying external influences on global precipitation
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Mitchell D. M., Thorne P. W., et al.
Revisiting the controversial issue of tropical tropospheric temperature trends
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Huntingford C., Jones P. D., et al.
No increase in global temperature variability despite changing regional patterns
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Charlton-Perez A. J., Baldwin M. P., et al.
On the lack of stratospheric dynamical variability in low-top versions of the CMIP5 models
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Klein S. A., Zhang Y., et al.
Are climate model simulations of clouds improving? An evaluation using the ISCCP simulator
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Orlowsky B., Seneviratne S. I.
Elusive drought: uncertainty in observed trends and short- and long-term CMIP5 projections
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Duan A., Hu J., et al.
The Tibetan Plateau Summer Monsoon in the CMIP5 Simulations
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Friedman A. R., Hwang Y., et al.
Interhemispheric temperature asymmetry over the 20th century and in future projections
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Dunstone N. J., Smith D. M., et al.
Anthropogenic aerosol forcing of Atlantic tropical storms
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Lohmann G., Pfeiffer M., et al.
A model-data comparison of the Holocene global sea surface temperature evolution
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Gonzalez P. L., Polvani L., et al.
Stratospheric ozone depletion: a key driver of recent precipitation trends in South Eastern South America
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Collins M., AchutaRao K., et al.
CORRESPONDENCE: Observational challenges in evaluating climate models
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Young P. J., Bulter A. H., et al.
Agreement in late twentieth century Southern Hemisphere stratospheric temperature trends in observations and CCMVal-2, CMIP3, and CMIP5 models
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Lutz A. F., Immerzeel W. W., et al.
Comparison of climate change signals in CMIP3 and CMIP5 multi-model ensembles and implications for Central Asian glaciers
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Rotstayn L. D., Collier M. A., et al.
Projected effects of declining aerosols in RCP4.5: unmasking global warming?
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Holmes C. D., Prather M. J., et al.
Future methane, hydroxyl, and their uncertainties: key climate and emission parameters for future predictions
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McSweeney C. F., Jones R. G.
No consensus on consensus: The challenge of finding a universal approach to measuring and mapping ensemble consistency in GCM projections
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Tsushima Y., Ringer M. A., et al.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Seasonal Variations in Climate Model Cloud Regimes
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Wang K., Dickinson R.
A review of global terrestrial evapotranspiration: Observation, modeling, climatology, and climatic variability
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Mauritsen T., Stevens B., et al.
Tuning the climate of a global model
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Wang B., Yim S., et al.
Future change of Asian-Australian monsoon
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Kim O., Wang B.
How do weather characteristics change in a warming climate?
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Jiang J. H.
Evaluation of Cloud and Water Vapor Simulations in CMIP5 Climate Models Using NASA A-Train Satellite Observations
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Kamae Y., Watanabe M.
On the robustness of tropospheric adjustment in CMIP5 models
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Lee J., Wang B.
Future change of global monsoon in the CMIP5
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Landerer F. W., Gleckler P., et al.
Evaluation of dynamic sea surface height in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models against satellite observations
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Swart N. C., Fyfe J. C.
Observed and simulated changes in the Southern Hemisphere surface westerly wind-stress
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Su F., Duan X., et al.
Evaluation of the Global Climate Models in the CMIP5 over the Tibetan Plateau
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Liu C., Allan R. P., et al.
Co-variation of temperature and precipitation in CMIP5 models and satellite observations
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Kim S., Yu J.
The Two Types of ENSO in CMIP5 Models
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Ma J., Xie S.
Regional Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature Change: A Source of Uncertainty in Future Projections of Precipitation and Atmospheric Circulation
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Kongola L., Taylor R. G., et al.
Dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall: evidence from East Africa.
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Po-Chedley S., Fu Q.
Discrepancies in tropical upper tropospheric warming between atmospheric circulation models and satellites
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Nam C., Bony S., et al.
The "too few, too bright" tropical low-cloud problem in CMIP5 models
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Kuhlbrodt T., Gregory J. M.
Ocean heat uptake and its consequences for the magnitude of sea level rise and climate change
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Tomassini L., Geoffroy O., et al.
The respective roles of surface temperature driven feedbacks and tropospheric adjustment to CO2 in CMIP5 transient climate simulations
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Fyfe J. C., Gillett N. P., et al.
Human influence on extratropical Southern Hemisphere precipitation
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Zelinka M. D., Klein S. A., et al.
Contributions of Different Cloud Types to Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments in CMIP5
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Wang H., Su W.
Evaluating and Understanding Top-of-Atmosphere Cloud Radiative Effects in IPCC-AR5/CMIP5 Models using Satellite Observations
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